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Don’t Fail Your Child on the UPCAT Day – UPCAT Tip No.5 for Parents

There are all kinds of UPCAT takers.  There are some that would cram a week before the UPCAT…the ones that would look at their UPCAT reviewers as they walked to the testing room…there are some who wouldn’t review at all…and there are some who are so worried about doing badly on the UPCAT that they would.

If any of those UPCAT takers sound familiar to you, Review Masters suggest these “UPCAT Taking Do’s and Don’ts for Parents.”

•    Do provide a quiet, comfortable place for reviewing at home. Focus is a key for effective studying. But…

•    Don’t be too anxious about your child’s scores during his review.  Putting too much emphasis on review or practice test scores can upset a child.

•    Do encourage your child. Praise him/her for the things that he/she does well.  If your child feels good about himself/herself, he/she will do his/her best.  But…

•    Don't pressure your child. You may stress him/her out. It is important for your child to stay relaxed on the test.

•    Do give your child a well rounded diet.  A healthy body leads to a healthy, active mind.  But…

•    Don’t let your child over eat either. Your child should avoid high fatty or greasy foods such as French fries.

•    Do help your child release himself/herself. Talking about the UPCAT with your child can relieve stress about the UPCAT. But…

•    Don't say "You can score high in the UPCAT!  or "Good luck to you with your UPCAT!" It is because when your child hears the words like that, he/she may feel burdened. Of course, it is for your child, but also it can be harmful to him/her.

•    Do make sure your child is well rested on school days.  Students who are tired are less able to handle the demands of the UPCAT. Let your child relax for a few hours before bedtime. It can be stressful for a child to review all night. But…

•    Don’t let your child get disorganized. Studies indicate that organized children are often better test takers. So help your child prioritize the things that would help him/her pass the UPCAT.

•    Do provide books and magazines for your child to read at home.  By reading new materials, a child will learn new words that might appear in the Reading or Language subtest of the UPCAT.  But…

•    Don’t forget to remind your child to practice their Math skills and master the Science concepts.  Your child needs to have a balanced review so that he/she can score high in all the subject areas covered in the UPCAT.

•    Do push your child to review until July.  Even though the review season is over, your child still needs to continue on reviewing because of the competitive nature of the UPCAT. But…

•    Don’t allow your child to review one week before the UPCAT especially the night before the UPCAT. Have your child review for a short period of time each day on a regular basis until last week of July and avoid the one week or one day “cram session.”

Wouldn’t it be great knowing that you’ve helped your child succeed rather than being part of the reason that they fail?

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