37 Proven Tips to Pass UPCAT the Sure Way! Workshop

LIVE Online Workshop
Date: August 4, 2024 (Sunday)
Time: 1:30PM to 5PM

Reserve My Spot!
  • Practical Test -Taking Techniques
  • Improve Memory Recall
  • Spot and beat trick questions
  • Learn Intelligent Guessing
  • Increase your IQ
  • Master multiple choice tests
  • Boost your Confidence!
Reserve My Spot!

STOP! Ask yourself these questions...

  • Am I prepared to take the UPCAT?
  • Am I confident that I would pass the UPCAT?
  • Will I qualify to my first choice campus and first choice course?

If your answer to these questions is anything other than a heartfelt yes, then it's time for you to read on and discover how to use the same principles that Prof. Quintana and the Review Masters Team used to teach successful UPCAT takers in the past!

Imagine for a moment that you unlocked the secrets to UPCAT, ACET, USTET, DCAT or any multiple choice exam.

You recall what you've studied during your review. You finish the test on time because you know the test-taking shortcuts and techniques. You guess intelligently by spotting trick questions, and patterns. You are confident because you've mastered how to take multiple choice exams. And ultimately, pass your dream university.

  • Maybe you're too excited to finish the test and can’t wait for the UPCAT results 4 months from now
  • Maybe you’ve noticed how nervous and frantic your co-UPCAT takers while you seem so relaxed and confident
  • Perhaps you’re able to answer each and every item with very few uncertainties knowing very well that you’ve maximized your UPCAT score
  • Maybe you find most of the items easy because everything you need to retrieve from your brain just comes out naturally
  • Perhaps you have encountered a difficult item but still find a way to get the correct answer
  • Or maybe that you always get extra time to review and go back to the items despite the fact that UPCAT is time-pressured
  • Maybe you finally tell yourself that UPCAT is really easier than your periodical exams in school
  • Imagine for a moment that your new-found secrets naturally attracts to you the UPCAT success you desire and deserve

Join us on our 15th year and learn:

Practical Test-Taking Tips and Techniques to Outsmart UPCAT, ACET, USTET, DCAT or any multiple choice exam!


Prof. Violy V. Quintana

“In my last 35 years of conducting UPCAT Reviews, there are certain things I noticed. The UPCAT changes every single year but the techniques for passing remains constant. The workshop will teach you these techniques, some you may already know, while others may seem new to you.”

UPCAT Reviewer for 35 years
Former Member, UP Testing Committee, 1975

Complete your CET preparations by attending the 37 Tips Workshop and be confident in taking any multiple choice exam.


But I've already studied and reviewed. Isn't that enough?

37 Tips Workshop will give you practical test-taking techniques that you can use right away for any multiple choice exam. These are the tips and tricks that they don't teach you in school.

After 14 years of conducting the workshop, we've helped thousands of students pass their dream university. And they can attest that the 37 Tips Workshop completes your preparation.

Perhaps most of you have prepared thoroughly by reviewing the coverage of the UPCAT – Mathematics, Science, Reading Comprehension and Language Proficiency.

If so, you are at least halfway of the journey.
But taking college entrance tests is more than just knowledge. You need to be mentally, physically, and emotionally prepared.

This 4-hour seminar workshop consists of 37 savvy tips and tricks on how to pass UPCAT and other college entrance examinations. It has different activities that are highly interactive so that you, students could put these tips into practice.

In the workshop, you will not only learn how to boost your confidence and totally eliminate test anxiety, but also how to increase your IQ and be emotionally and physically fit so that come UPCAT time, you are 100% focused to ace the test.

You will not just be taught when to use intelligent guessing but also how to guess and pinpoint the exact answer even if you don’t have any idea on how to go about the question.

This workshop would indeed make the UPCAT a lot easier for you!

During this information-packed event, we will share with you many

Strategies, Techniques and Tips to Pass UPCAT, ACET, USTET, DCAT, and other multiple choice tests!


Increase IQ


Time Management


Master Multiple Choice


Guess Intelligently

In a nutshell, what will I learn?

You will get practical test-taking techniques and a handy workbook. No school lessons, just tips that you can use right away for any multiple choice exam.

  • How to finish the UPCAT on time
  • How to spot and beat trick questions
  • How to improve memory recall
  • How to totally eliminate test anxiety
  • How to increase your IQ in a matter of days
  • How to be physically fit to take the UPCAT
  • How to master multiple choice test-taking
  • How to guess for the right answer
  • How to solve math problems in less than one minute
  • How to pass the UPCAT the Sure Way!

What else will I discover?

The program is designed carefully to provide a hands-on workbook and to equip you with a knowledge bank that would make the UPCAT very, very easy. The modules are as follows:

Module 1

It's Crunch Time!

  • Mental Toughness Exercise
  • A Glimpse of the UPCAT
  • One-Week Daily Routine
  • Emotional Preparation
  • The UPCAT Recommended Diet
  • The Psychological Advantage

Module 2

Level Up Your Score

  • The Brain Power
  • The Quick-Fix Solutions
  • The Smart Attack
  • Confidence Boosters
  • The Test-Taking Cycle

Module 3


  • Genius Techniques for Average Students
  • Systematic Guessing
  • The Psychology of the UPCAT Creators
  • Dealing with Numerical Problems
  • Spotting the Wrong Answers

What are students saying about the workshop?

After conducting the workshop for 13 years, we've helped thousands of students pass their dream universities. You got to hear it straight from the participants themselves.

It was fun, interesting and I really learned a lot.MAUREEN QUINTO Children's House Montessori School, UPCAT Passer
I learned essential tips and techniques concerning the proper ways on how to deal with multiple choice exams. I really believe that this seminar can help other students too.JOHN MATTHEW V. CAJUDO Philippine Science High School, UPCAT Passer
Great tips. Excellent speaker. This seminar is simply the best!KATHERINE L. PINTOR Los Baños National High School, UPCAT Passer
I would really recommend it (37 Tips seminar) because it would really help a lot of students who are about to take college entrance exams. The tips are very useful.ALJON FRANCIS P. ELEGADO UP Rural High School, UPCAT Passer
The seminar is a really big help for students like me. The techniques and tips given are new, interesting and reliable.GHIZELLE JANE E. ABARRO Sta. Rosa Science & Technology High School, UPCAT Passer
I would recommend the seminar to other students because it will be useful for preparing them in the right attitude towards taking exams. The speaker was quite impressive and students can relate to him. Good job!ROSEMARIE D. EUSEBIO UP Professor
I am ready. Reserve my slot now!

It's time to take action! Reserve Now!

This is your opportunity to get up close and personal with the UPCAT experts during this exciting event. This workshop is specifically aimed at you if you're ready to pass UPCAT the Sure Way!

We’re looking forward to meeting you and giving you these secrets to achieving your UPCAT Dream!



Early Bird Rate: ₱1,238

Until August 3, 2024 only

(Regular Rate: ₱2,000)

Reserve My Spot
NOTE: For other payment options, please contact 0919-066-0029 or send us a message on our Facebook page.