Day of the UPCAT

by Admin |

Items Needed for Admission to the Test Center


Test Permit. Whether you register for the UPCAT online, in person, or  through snail mail or the faster delivery service, you should have received your UPCAT Test Permit, and you must take the Test Permit with you to the test center. Your Test Permit contains the following pertinent information: identification number, place, date and time of your UPCAT, PIN, your full name, high school name and address. It also contains your 2 x 2 photograph that you submitted when you filed your UPCAT Forms.

Make sure to affix your signature and indicate your date of birth in your Test Permit.The place in your Test Permit is a reporting address. UPCAT takers are responsible for obtaining directions and arriving at the test center at the reporting time. At centers where multiple rooms or buildings are used, the address will be a centralized location. You will be directed from there to a specific testing room or building.


For the morning administrations of the UPCAT, examinees are required to be at the test center no later than 6:30 am. For the afternoon UPCAT, examinees are required to be at the test center no later than 12:30 pm. Refer to your UPCAT Test Permit for the exact test date and reporting time.


NOTE: Examinees should expect the test day to cover up to five hours.


Identification. All examinees must have one current, valid school ID containing a recognizable photo and your signature. Your first and last name on your ID must match exactly the name on your UPCAT Test Permit. If your school hasn’t yet issued your ID for the current school year, an old ID will do. Acceptable forms of ID include passport book and student driver's license.


Pencils. Bring to the test center three or four sharpened No. 2 or HB wooden pencils—with good erasers. Mechanical pencils, ball-point pens, and sign pens are prohibited. All answers must be recorded on your UPCAT answer sheet in pencil. Pencils or sharpeners will not be supplied at the test center.


Items Allowed in the Test Room


UPCAT takers may bring into the test room only the following items: UPCAT Test Permit; valid ID; wallet; keys; analog (nondigital) wristwatch; medical or hygiene products; #2 or HB wooden pencils, erasers, pencil sharpener (no mechanical pencils); tissues; and beverage and snack.


Items Allowed on the Desktop


UPCAT takers may only have tissues, ID, wooden pencils, erasers, a pencil sharpener,  and an analog (nondigital) wristwatch. No electronic devices are permitted. Neither are timers of any kind except analog wristwatches.


Items Prohibited at the Test Center


You may not bring into the testing center any of the following:

  • electronic timers of any kind
  • digital watches, alarm watches, beeping watches, calculator watches
  • cell phones, pay phones, beepers, pagers, personal digital assistants (PDAs)
  • personal computers
  • calculators
  • photographic or recording devices
  • listening devices
  • headsets, iPods, or other media players
  • books, dictionaries, papers of any kind
  • rulers, slide rules, compasses
  • mechanical pencils
  • earplugs
  • weapons or firearms

IMPORTANT: Electronic devices, including cell phones, are not permitted in the test center, and the use of any electronic device is strictly prohibited. Any UPCAT taker, during the UPCAT discovered using an electronic device, including but not limited to cell phones, pay phones, pagers, iPods™ or other media players, or personal computers, will be disqualified from continuing the test. UPCAT and test center staff assume no responsibility for personal items.




No latecomers. Ordinarily, examiners shall not admit anyone after testing begins. So please come on time.


Seating. The examiner will assign each examinee a seat. Examinees are not permitted to choose their own seats, rooms, or building.


Test administration. The examiner will tell you when to start and stop work on each separately timed section. Blackening of answer spaces on your answer sheet must be done before time is called for any given section.


Time. Examiners will keep the official time. You may take an analog (nondigital) wristwatch to the test center. No other timers—including electronic and countdown timers—are allowed.


Proctors. Proctor(s) will circulate throughout the testing room to ensure that examinees are marking their answer sheets correctly and are working in the appropriate section. The Examiner will write on the board a ten-minutes-remaining warning for each section.


Recording answers. All answers must be recorded on your answer sheet using a No. 2 or HB pencil. Answers recorded in the test booklet will not be scored (In fact, you are not allowed to write anything on the test booklet). Do not make stray marks on your answer sheet or record answers in your test booklet. You will not be permitted time after the test to clean up your answer sheet or transfer answers from your scratch sheet to your answer sheet.


Scratch paper. Scratch paper is not permitted. (Scratch paper will be provided at the test center.)


Food and drink. You may eat your snacks anytime during the test.


No Rest break. There will be no snack or rest break. All test materials will be collected by the Proctor before an examinee is allowed to go to the comfort room. Only one examinee at a time can leave the room.


Leaving the room. If you find it necessary to leave the room during the test, raise your hand and obtain permission from the Proctor. Your test materials will be collected and held until your return. You will not be permitted to make up the time.


Misconduct/Irregularities. Examiners will report to UP Admissions any misconduct/irregularity that occurs during the administration.


Testing materials. All testing materials, including test booklets, answer sheets, and UPCAT answer sheets are the property of the UP Admissions and must be returned to the test center Examiner before dismissal from the test center. Under no circumstances may test content or any part of the test be removed or reproduced.


Left-handedness. UPCAT Examiners attempt to accommodate left-handed test takers. However, UP Admissions cannot guarantee special desks or tables for you.


Creating a disturbance. Disruptive behavior in any form will not be tolerated. The UPCAT Examiner has sole discretion in determining what constitutes disruptive behavior. The UPCAT Examiner is authorized to dismiss from the test center any UPCAT taker who creates a disturbance.




When you take the UPCAT, it is your responsibility to report all instances of suspected cheating on the part of any test takers and any other inappropriate behavior that becomes known to you. In addition, you should respect the ownership of and intellectual property rights of UP Admissions in all test items and test materials, and understand that any violations of UP Admissions’ intellectual property rights could lead to cancellation of your score, prosecution in accordance with applicable law, or the pursuit of other remedies by UP Admissions.


You are an important part of protecting the UPCAT and ensuring a fair test environment. Cheating impacts everyone. If you believe that you have information about actual or potential test security violations, please contact UP Admissions immediately.




If you engage in any misconduct or irregularity during the UPCAT—such as creating a disturbance; giving or receiving help; working on or reading the test during a time not authorized by the Examiner; removing test materials or notes from the testing room; taking part in an act of impersonation or other forms of cheating; failing to follow the directions of test center staff; or using books, ear plugs, rulers, papers of any kind, or other aids—you may receive a warning, or be dismissed from the center, or have your test score canceled by UP Admissions and may be subject to other penalties for misconduct or irregularity.




UPCAT takers who violate UPCAT test center regulations, including but not limited to those listed below, will also be subject to a warning, dismissal from the test center, and/or cancellation of their test score by UP Admissions.


Possible Test Center Violations

  • Attempting to take the UPCAT for someone else or having someone else take the UPCAT for you.
  • Failing to provide acceptable identification.
  • Obtaining or attempting to obtain improper access to the UPCAT, a part of the UPCAT, or information about the UPCAT.
  • Creating a disturbance. (Disruptive behavior in any form will not be tolerated; the UPCAT Examiner has sole discretion in determining what constitutes disruptive behavior.)
  • Removing or attempting to remove test content from the test center.
  • Bringing a weapon or firearm into the test center.
  • Leaving the test center vicinity during the test session. UPCAT takers may not leave the building or the floor where the test room is located.
  • Leaving the test room without permission.
  • Using any Electronic Device during the test

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